Ik hoef daarvoor niet verder te gaan dan het perscentrum van Google.
De educatieve nieuwtjes rollen over elkaar hen. Daarnet maakte ik al melding van de samenwerking tussen Google en Blackboard, maar er gebeurt veel meer.
Zo start de Arizona State University vandaag met Google Apps for Your Domain voor meer dan 65.000 studenten! Zij kunnen gebruikmaken van customizable email, calendar, Google Page Maker and instant messaging tools.
Ook kondigt Google op de Educause aan: the beta release of APIs that make it easier for organizations to integrate their user directory, single sign-on systems, and mail gateways with Google Apps for Education.
Er zijn updates en nieuwe features voor Google Apps for Education
Voor K-12 educators vind ik tenslotte nog de Google for Educators site, alwaar je je ook kunt aanmelden voor de Google educators mailinglist.
Op deze site informatie over 12 producten van Google met daarbij gebruiksvoorbeelden voor in de (onderwijs) praktijk.
Tot zover het Google onderwijsnieuws van vandaag zou ik haast zeggen...
O nee, nog eentje dan: Je kunt nu ook Google certified teacher worden!

Maar daar moet je wel wat voor doen:
You will be asked to prepare a short answer (50 words or less) to these two questions:
Why should we select you as a Google Teacher?
Describe one of your favorite teaching moments?
You must create a one-minute video on either of the following topics: "Motivation and learning" OR "K12 innovation." There are no other restrictions on the video. Be as creative as you like. Once you create the video, you must find a way to post it on the Web for us to view or download, then paste the URL for your video into the appropriate field on the application. We will not accept videos by email, and we will not watch more than one minute. So, make it count!
Why should we select you as a Google Teacher?
Describe one of your favorite teaching moments?
You must create a one-minute video on either of the following topics: "Motivation and learning" OR "K12 innovation." There are no other restrictions on the video. Be as creative as you like. Once you create the video, you must find a way to post it on the Web for us to view or download, then paste the URL for your video into the appropriate field on the application. We will not accept videos by email, and we will not watch more than one minute. So, make it count!
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